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“There is no ‘I’ in team but there is in win” – Michael Jordan

The Global Student Friendship (GSF) organization is composed of two teams: the Executive Team and the Core Team. The Executive Team includes the President(s), Vice President(s), Secretary, and Treasurer. They are responsible for organizing and planning the Core Team and General GSF Member meetings.

The Core Team is made up of the Executive Team and directors of the seven ministry departments within GSF: Bible Studies, Communications, Exchange Student Connect, Furniture, Hospitality, and Outreach. The Core Team's primary role is to ensure that all departments within GSF function smoothly and serve the community as a whole.

As a group, the Core Team leads the student leader and volunteer teams through various events, services, and activities. They are also responsible for maintaining good relations with the various GSF university partnerships and their respective campus organizations. By doing so, the Core Team further develops strong and meaningful connections with organizations, ministries, and volunteers serving in the surrounding communities.

Overall, the Executive and Core Teams work together to provide an enriching experience for GSF members, while also making a positive impact on the communities they serve

Meet The Team


1241 W 43rd St. Norfolk, VA 23508





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